SD Solutions was awarded this multiyear contract with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to help meet FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquistion Reform Act) requirements. The team has been supplying comprehensive information security and privacy support services under the guidance of the SAMHSA CIO (Chief Information Officer), CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), and SOAP (Senior Official for Privacy). SD Solutions main objective for SAMHSA was to implement a comprehensive information assurance program capable of handling Federal and HHS Department mandates and the continuance of a risk-based posture flexible enough to respond to the changing nature of information security and privacy threats. SD Solutions provided services for continued implementation, enhancement, and reporting with a FITARA team consisting of personnel with knowledge and experience in FITARA and related disciplines. SAMHSA wanted support in expertise, technical knowledge, program management, governance, compliance, privacy and technical operational support to ensure the program’s continued development into a mature platform.
The service deliverables provided were CIO support, IT operations and maintenance, integration services, critical infrastructure protection and information assurance, and software development. The reporting deliverables provided were a kick-off meeting to present a draft plan of performance to the COR with a Task Order Management Plan fifteen days after aware and final document submitted thirty days after. Monthly status meetings were also assigned so that SD Solutions could meet with CIO and COR to discuss the execution of IT transition activities. The team has been issuing quarterly updates on their progress so that SAMHSA can keep track of the deliverables. Although this contract is ongoing, SD Solutions continue to provide SAMHSA with the necessary support to implement their objectives.